
Showing posts from April, 2020


To be a Patrician in Rome you had to be from a wealthier family and you had to be born into it, you couldn't become one. These were the people that made up a small percent of the population, they usually owned land and were extremely rich, They had all of the power. The plebeians in Rome were your normal hardworking person. They did all of the hard work and were looked down upon sometimes even though they were doing all of the work for the Patricians. On the other hand the Greeks gave much more respect to the Plebeians  the recognized them for their hard work and they weren't looked down upon from the Patricians. The Patricians in Greek were much more respectful and didn't act so cocky.

Test Essay

Gods and Goddesses       Athens was arguably the most important Goddess to the ancient Greeks. She was so important to them because she was the " goddess of wisdom, but also the poetic symbol of reason and purity. Goddess  Athena  was  very important  to the Greeks, since they named her the Iliad's goddess of fight, the warrior-defender, the protector of civilized life and artisan activities." I believe she was so important and if we still believed about all these Gods today because her critical thinking and reasoning would lead to advanced in technology, and medicine. She would also help war go smoothly and she would serve justice to those who deserved it. She was a very smart woman with a lot of logic, this is what made her become the most important Goddess of Ancient Greece.       In Greek the  parthenon means "the virgin's place" which was for Athena who was the virgin Goddess. After research I have found that in the beginning of its existence it was


Republic- A form of government in which power rests with the citizens who have the right to vote for their leaders. Patrician- The wealthy land owners who help most of the power. Plebeian- The common farmers, artisans, and merchants who made up the majority of the population. Tribune- The representatives elected by the  plebeians.  Consul- Two leaders who were like Kings, they command the army and directed the government.  Senate- Aristocratic branch of the government. Dictator- A leader who had absolute power to make laws and command the army. Legion- Large military units made up of some 5,000 heavily armed foot soldiers, and a group on horseback. Punic Wars- When Rome and Carthage were at war.  Hannibal- A brilliant military strategist who wanted to avenge Carthage's earlier defeat.


For my essay I will be doing it on the Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece. First Paragraph- Why Athena was so important and what she represented Second Paragraph- The Parthenon and what it meant to them Third Paragraph- Other Gods and Goddesses that were important Fourth Paragraph- Things that happened that they thought were the Gods Fifth Paragraph- Concluding paragraph that summarizes everything and concludes it


1. What Goddess inspired the Greece to build The Parthenon? Athena 2.  What were the two main city states of Ancient Greece?    Sparta and Athens 3.  What was the primary focus of much of the culture of the city of Athens? Art and Education 4.  What do we call the last period of Ancient Greece, before they were conquered by the Romans? Hellenistic Period 5.  What period was marked by democracy and great philosophers such as Plato and Socrates? Classical Period


1. Forms are the concept of what we see around us. They help guide us through the modern world. Plato thought that forms important for the way we live and he pushed that philosophers should study these forms because of how perfect thy were for us. 2. The three different groups in Plato's society were the producers, the military, and the rulers. 3.In Plato's modern day society he believed women should be able to rule, which was highly frowned upon back then. But he also believed that the women womb was like an animal, so he had different views on women Some of them were good but some of them were bad. 4.  His lie was that everyone is born with silver, gold, brass and iron.


The Gods and Goddesses may of been looked at as the most important thing in Greek History, They believed everything that happened, happened from the Gods and Goddesses, Why they though this was a mystery, They based their whole lives around these Gods and Goddesses, They even built temples and castles after them, You might think this is dumb but thats all they believed in, They didn't know why the sun moved across the sky everyday and night, So they blamed it on the Gods and Goddesses, They didn't know why it rained, So they thought it was the Gods and Goddesses, They didn't know why sickness came, So they blamed it on the Gods and Goddesses You see how much they affected them, You may wonder why we don't believe in this anymore, Because people came around and actually starting to understand, That there isn't a God or Goddess for everything, That is just the way life goes.


The Parthenon- This was a building that was dedicated to the goddess Athena, who the citizens saw as their patron. An interesting fact that I found about it is   Its decorative sculptures are considered some of the high points of Greek art. Which is cool because if this was a high point of greek art that means you know it was very good because of all the other beautiful things they had. Also, it was known as one of the ancient symbols that represented Greece in it's past and still today. The Parthenon was built in place of an even older building of Athena. This really shows how much Athena meant to them and the impact she had on them. Heres a picture of the parthenon. Greek Theatre- This was very important thing back then because this is where everyone went to enjoy themselves and have a good time. All of the actors and actresses were very talented. They usually only preformed comedy and tragedy. These theaters would huge and they were outside so they had very go


1. The main and really only dramas that were played back then was comedy and tragedy. Tragedy was more of the serious drama about more of the common themes such as love hate and war. Comedy  contained scenes with " slapstick situations and crude humor" 2. I feel like if I was in a John Carroll play but I was also the director I would try and make the play pretty funny. I feel like a comedy play would be more entertaining. little easier to make. I also feel like it would be similar to the the greek play because I would put the characters in slapstick situations. Greek also some times made fun of politics which I feel like would be funny but I don't know if I would do that because people are really sensitive and if you portray something that you don't agree with they could get mad. 3. I feel like it is crazy how big this was and how many people it could fit at one time. I also can't believe this many people went to it a lot and enjoyed it so much tha