
             While yes, I feel it is very tempting to get things off the internet or copy off another student to help make cyber schools workload shorter and easier, I try and refrain from it as much as I can because I know it is wrong. I already know a lot of kids that have gotten in trouble for this and written up so now I realize it is wrong and I have not done it since the incident I had in this class earlier on. While it is a hard time for everyone now I feel as if taking short cuts to try and make it easier is the wrong route to pursue. I feel like everyone should take advantage of situations like these to and make the most of it while looking at all of the benefits. One of the more positive things I have been looking at was how much time I get to spend with my family now. Even though my Mom is a nurse I still have been getting to see her a lot more, and get to see my dad a lot more because he is not going out for the inspections on houses because he can't. While it is hard to not let the negatives affect me like not being able to see my friends or the rest of my family I know it is for the best right now to try to get this virus away so everyone can return back to their normal lives.

            I also feel like we should take time in times like these and reflect on ourselves and see how faithful we have been to God. it is also great to pray to him in times like these because I feel like he can help you through this and everyone else. But we need to see ourselves from another perspective and think if what we have been doing is truly good. Like copying off of other kids work, that is very lazy and you are giving in in a time where you have to be the most strong. But at the same time it is hard to stay strong because unlike before we can't talk to teachers directly if we don't understand something. And it is so much harder to find some of your work and do it without being reminded by your teachers everyday on what you have to do. But one thing I do like is the freedom we have on when we want to do our school work, that is a major plus and is making this journey a lot easier.


  1. Great essay, Connor. Send your family my best, especially you mom who is doing hero's work as a nurse.

    Take care!


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