Blog Post #6

Topic- The geographic grid

There is many different ways geographers describe where things are. Some of the ways they do this is by using latitude and longitude to pinpoint an exact location. They also can just describe where things are by using things that are near to help describe where this place is and what is like. Another way is using a mental map to help find something. They do this off their memory and this can help someone get around a house or even a town, helps someone see where something is a and get them from point a to point to b.

The geographers also use something that is called a geographic grid. This is used to show an objects exact location. It is like the lines that you use for longitude and latitude that breaks up the map and helps you find different things. Latitude and longitude are the lines that you use to show an exact location also. These really pinpoint the location and these often come in degrees and play a big role in describing where things are. The meridian is the line that splits the map in half, this goes down the center of the map and splits the map in half from North to South.


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