
Showing posts from March, 2020


             While yes, I feel it is very tempting to get things off the internet or copy off another student to help make cyber schools workload shorter and easier, I try and refrain from it as much as I can because I know it is wrong. I already know a lot of kids that have gotten in trouble for this and written up so now I realize it is wrong and I have not done it since the incident I had in this class earlier on. While it is a hard time for everyone now I feel as if taking short cuts to try and make it easier is the wrong route to pursue. I feel like everyone should take advantage of situations like these to and make the most of it while looking at all of the benefits. One of the more positive things I have been looking at was how much time I get to spend with my family now. Even though my Mom is a nurse I still have been getting to see her a lot more, and get to see my dad a lot more because he is not going out for the inspections on houses because he can't. While it is hard t


There is many similarities to these two things that struck the world. They both caused and are causing disaster for many parts of the world and many different people. I believe the main thing they have in common is that they both struck us out of surprise and no one really thought it could get this bad. No one was prepared for this to strike making it worse. Another huge similarity is how contagious it is. You can see because of how fast it spread around the world and just in this Country. Another similarity is that they are both having a big death toll especially with no cure for it found yet. And how hard this hits elderly people and even some younger people I feel like if people don't do what they are supposed to do to make it better, it is going to be very hard to contain the spread of this. This is similar because it was h=very hard to contain the spread of the plague, I feel like they could have the same outcomes. The only really big difference is that the plague really affec


Phillip II- King Philip II was the king of Spain, he was also known as Philip the Prudent. He ruled one of the World's largest empires to ever exist. His was king as Spain's began the Golden Age, a period of great cultural growth in a different variety of things. He also became the King of England through his marriage to Mary Tudor for four years. Some of the accomplishments he made through out his life time are he attempted to expand the power of Spain, centralize the government and protect the Catholic Church Alexander the Great- Alexander did many great things through out his life, some of the good things he did was brought a whole new way of fighting to the Greeks, and he brought to the Persians some new aspects of life that came from the Greeks. He even signaled the beginning of a new era in history known as the Hellenistic Age.  Which was crazy how one person could bring a whole new era in history. In his 15 years of conquest Alexander never lost a single battle wh


I don't really know many things about this topic but just based off reading what mr. schick had to say along with doing some of the research I found out I came to find out how pure their relationship really was. First I saw that he got this horse off a wager with his Dad. The cost of the horse was 13 talents. Which is equal to almost 182,000 U.S dollars now which is crazy. The horse passed away in 326 B.C. and most people agreed the horse died from old age not from battle wounds but no one really knows this for sure. Also from what I read it seemed like this horse was his best friend, sometimes in life you have a animal that you feel like is better then most humans in the world and this is how he felt. This horse went into battle with him, they rode around for fun, when your animal is around you this much and you are always having fun with it, it is hard not to get attached to it like this so I think this is the reason they were so close because they were always doing everything to


I actually think that they cyber days are not that bad because it is letting us sleep in and have a break from going to school everyday along with practice after. It is also good because we don't have set times for classes and we can do our stuff when we want like how I am now at 11:12 at night. But I do miss some of my friends from school along with the lacrosse team. Another bad side to this is most places are closed so I can't really go anywhere right now to have fun so it's not a complete break. Other then this I kind of enjoy iy but I am scared for my brother who is a senior at Curley's lacrosse season being cancelled because it is his last one with all of his friends. I am hoping this cleans up as soon as possible so everyone can get back to their normal life.


Today in class we read page 138 and watched the Crucible of Civilization: Empire of the mind video. We had to think about why we think the Socrates, and Sophists like Protagoras, would start  questioning traditional beliefs at this particular point in history. I believe that Socrates didn't let what anyone else thought affect him. Socrates thought for himself.  He always kept his beliefs that went against some of Athens. Socrates was the only one in Athens who had his own idea on how the ways the world worked, and didn't believe Athens explanation for all of it. All of his ideas that made a lot more sense were just shut down by the other people because they refused to believe anything different, Since most of Athens did not agree with Socrates' opinions, he was sentenced to death by drinking poison hemlock, which is described to be like someone is drowning while still on land. He even had a chance to get out of it and just left Athens but after he got his sentence he stayed


Today we watched videos about ancient Geek history.  All of the Athenians were behind the Athens walls and the plague was introduced to Athens. All of the Athenians were very close together causing the disease to spread rapidly. All of the citizens were suffering terribly and it was described to be beyond what a human could take. Everyone was going crazy because they had to be worried about getting the disease and trying to stay safe from attacks. While this sickness was terrorizing them they just stopped following all of the rules and the customs.The city  turned to evil after all of this because everyone turned evil and were terrorizing their own city. The plague killed over a third of Athen's population.  Pericles didn't think this could happen and was no where near prepared, which led to the city becoming even worse because he didn't know what tp do and everyone was looking up to him. So when he ended up getting sick he gave up all hope, which led to his death in 429 B