Migration stories

                                                                      Story Questions

1.  Most people wanted to leave their Country to come to the United States because they want to have a better life for their family, they want to escape from their government because they don't support them or what they believe in, and also to try and find a better job to try and make more money for their family

2. I think most of the immigrants back then came from Europe rather then other places. They mostly came from here because back then they weren't s developed and some of the places government was very strict, and some of the people just moved to try and get better jobs or farmland.



First law- most migrants will only travel a short space.
. I feel like this is not true anymore especially because of all the new technology with getting places quickly

Second law- There is a process of absorption, whereby people immediately surrounding a rapidly growing town move into it and the gaps they leave are filled by migrants from more distant areas, and so on until the attractive force [pull factors] is spent.
. I feel like this is also still not a thing because now when someone migrates to the U.S. from say Guatemala no one is going to want to migrate to refill their spot in Guatemala because of how under developed they are

Third Law- migrants going long distances generally go by preference to one of the great centers of commerce or industry
. I agree with this and feel like this still happens because people can migrate wherever they want with the new technology so I feel like they would move to the best place for them

Fourth Law- Each current migration stream also has a counter stream.
. I believe this is a thing because some people would like to migrate from the country to the city because the city is usually always more developed then the country, but some people counter this stream by moving form the city to the country sometimes just to have some peace. 

Fifth Law- natives of towns are usually less migratory then those of rural towns
. I feel like this is true because people in a town have most things they need and their family has probably been around that area for awhile so they wouldn't want to move and they are also pretty developed, when people of the rural areas might want to move to a more developed city just to get something new.

Sixth Law- Females are more migratory then males at the area of their birth, but males frequently venture beyond- 
.I really don't know this one I personally feel like there is the same number of miles and females that migrate because most people migrate with their family

Seventh Law- Most migrants are young adults
. I feel like this one is not true, while probably a greater majority of the immigrants are young adults I feel like it is not most of them. I feel like this because some people save up their whole life for them and their family to migrate somewhere else and also when people are just moving houses it is usually family's that are moving houses because they have the jobs to pay for it.

Eight Law- Large towns grow more from migration then natural increase
. I feel like a large town grows even by natural increase and migration unless there is limits on the country for how many people can migrate there legally or how many babies a woman is aloud to have.

Ninth Law- Migration increases increase as industries develop and transport improve
. This I very true because the main reason why someone would leave somewhere is because they are looking for. better for themselves and their family, and when they see there is job openings and new jobs they will try and get it as quick as they can using the to move faster.

Tenth Law- The most moving comes from more country areas to bigger cities
. This is also true because if someone is on a farm and all of their crops are getting diseases I feel like they are going to move to a city because all of the job opportunities. Same for someone that lives far away in like Africa. There isn't many jobs there so they would want to move somewhere into the city to try and get a job.

Eleventh Law- Most people migrate for economics
This is true and not true at the same time. I feel like a lot of people will move because of this to try and get a better job for themselves so their family can live a happier life but it is not the only reason, Another big reason people migrate is to get away from a certain government not just for economics. Say for example the government didn't accept your religion you would also want to leave.

                                                             Learning Objective 3

International migration-2 categories- voluntary- you move yourself

Internal Migration- permanent move within the same country- where most of it occurs

Two developed places won't really migrate to each other

Urbanization- when people move to the country from the city

Counter urbanization- when you move to a less developed and populated place

Some of China's health and development is really good in the city bu when you go somewhere else in China the development is very poor so they can't consider it a developed Country

9 percent of the worlds people are international migrants


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