Mesopotamia Blog Post #1

Today we learned about Mesopotamia. There were many things that were important such as a Fertile Crescent, this is when the region has a curved shape and really rich land. We also learned about Mesopotamia, this word in Greek means "land in between rivers". A city-state is a city that is surrounding the land. We also learned what a dynasty was this is a series of rulers from a single family. Cultural diffusion is the process in which a new idea or a product spreads from one culture to another. The Sumerians also beloved in polytheism this is when someone believes in one or more God. They built an empire, this is several nations brought together and controlled by one ruler. The last thing is Hammurabi, this is the person who originally created laws and rules.

Three environmental challenges were one, they were worried about great floods and they didn't have enough protection to keep them safe so something like this would wipe them out completely. Another challenge for them was that they lacked basic materials causing them to have to trade with more distant nations. The last challenge is


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