
Showing posts from January, 2020

Test Study

Definitions Fertile crescent- is the regions curved shape and the richness of its land. It includes the land facing the Mediterranean Sea and Mesopotamia.  Mesopotamia- is greek, meaning "land between rivers" Mesopotamia is between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.  City- state- is each city and the surrounding land. They are independent countries. A dynasty- is a series of rulers from a single family  Cultural diffusion- is a new idea or a product that spreads form one culture to another Polytheism- is the belief in more than one GOD which the Sumerians believed Empire- brings together several peoples, nations, or previously independent states under the control of one ruler Hammurabi- ruled from1792 BC to 1750 BC. He put together a code of 282 laws called Hammurabi's code  Notes: Wandering nomads drove herds of domesticated animals in many areas, especially to the south of Sumer in Arabia  Sumer was conquered by Akkadians- 2350 BC- their Gods

From Prehistory to Civilization

Today in class we learned about The origins and the "ages" Some of the things I found that were important was that 200,000 years ago a human species emerged in Central Africa. This is where life started. I also learned that the earliest prehistoric age is called the Paleolithic age. I also learned that when there is a surplus amount a food in a populated place, woman will have to take care of the children while the men do the dirty work in the fields. When they were out in the field the wheel and plow really helped because there was more food being produced at one time, this caused a lot of different people migrate to this town because of all of the food that was being produced. The last thing I took a note on was that Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran all make the Fertile Crescent.

Mesopotamia Blog Post #1

Today we learned about Mesopotamia. There were many things that were important such as a Fertile Crescent, this is when the region has a curved shape and really rich land. We also learned about Mesopotamia, this word in Greek means "land in between rivers". A city-state is a city that is surrounding the land. We also learned what a dynasty was this is a series of rulers from a single family. Cultural diffusion is the process in which a new idea or a product spreads from one culture to another. The Sumerians also beloved in polytheism this is when someone believes in one or more God. They built an empire, this is several nations brought together and controlled by one ruler. The last thing is Hammurabi, this is the person who originally created laws and rules. Three environmental challenges were one, they were worried about great floods and they didn't have enough protection to keep them safe so something like this would wipe them out completely. Another challenge for the

God Grew Tired Of Us Review Questions

• What have you learned about Dinka culture?  Some of the things  I  learned is that they really like to include music, dance, food, clothing, and language. What markers from the film are representative of Dinka culture?  Of American culture?  Some of the markers are that they really like to always be in groups, this isn't something the American culture always supports because there were many police reports filed on them because they were all going into stores at the same time. What values do the Lost Boys hold?  They value education, community, family, faith, and  hard work. How do those values compare with your own?  Some of these values compare to my own because I feel like I have some of the same values. Like I really value my family and hard work the same as them. • What questions and fears do the Lost Boys have about life in the U.S.?  They have questions and fears related to technology, cultural practices, and food. What questions and fears would y

God Grew Tired Of Us Part 2

In what ways to the boys eat differently than average Americans?  They smash crackers up and add milk, they eat with their hands, they eat soup in a cup. What was John’s job at the age of 13?  He had to bury the children that died. How does sleeping in America compare to sleeping at the refugee camp?  In America they sleep on comfortable  mattresses  like all of us do and at the camp they slept on the hard ground. How many months of assistance does the government provide? What happens after that time?  The government provides 3 months assistance. After that, they must work and repay the government for what they gave them. What holiday traditions do the boys want to know the meaning of?  They want to know about  Christmas, like the tree, and Santa What is John scared of doing? Why?  Ice skating because he is so tall he thinks he would fall. What are John’s jobs?  Gasket factory and McDonalds. What is Daniel’s job?  He p

God Grew Tired Of Us

1. How many people lost their lives from the civil war in Sudan?  2 million 2. Who are the Lost Boys?  The young boys who walked thousands of miles to try and escape the civil war in Sudan because they didn't want to get hurt or be involved. 3. What two things started the civil war in Sudan?  Religion and oil. 4. Who was fighting in the war?  Arabs in the south and the black Christians in the north. 5. What hardships did the boys face on their journey to Ethiopia?  There was many different things thy went through that were very tough for them. For example, they had little to no food, they all had a lack of water, hyenas and lion attacks which the animals were much stronger and fierce then them, and also they had to go through bombings. Last, they had little to no shelter in the desert. 6.What happened to the refugee camp at Ethiopia? The government fell and the boys had to flee again. 7. How many years did the Lost Boys walk total after the attacks on the villages? Fi

Migration stories

                                                                      Story Questions 1.  Most people wanted to leave their Country to come to the United States because they want to have a better life for their family, they want to escape from their government because they don't support them or what they believe in, and also to try and find a better job to try and make more money for their family 2. I think most of the immigrants back then came from Europe rather then other places. They mostly came from here because back then they weren't s developed and some of the places government was very strict, and some of the people just moved to try and get better jobs or farmland. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                            Research First law- most migrants will only travel a short space. . I feel like this is not true anym