Blog Post #16

Video Notes

·      We are doing better than most of us think we are doing
·      Was growing slowly in the beginning 
·      Population was 1 billion in 1800
·      After this it started to grow much faster and faster
·      Most growth in the recent years has been from the Asian countries
·      The recommended number of children for each person was only 2
·      Bangladesh completely reduced their fertility rate
·      In Bangladesh the life expectancy was only 50 years
·      Now the life span is 70
·      They completely reversed the way their country was going
·      The average fertility rate in the world went from 5 to only 2.5
·      The population is going to slow down 
·      We are excepting the stoppage of fast population growth and the end of this century
·      People thought we could only have 8 billion people on the world

·      80% of the world would live in Africa and Asia


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