Blog #9

Today in class we looked at different types of maps from different time zones and figured out the different points on where would be the best to settle. I am going to do the one point from each map an explain why it was the best.

There was five different points in this map and you had to put them in order from the best settling spots to the worst settling spots. The spot I said was the best to settle on this map was point C. This was a great spot to settle because of the really good resources around it, the resources around it included really good farm land, it was very open to trade, it was near water so it was a great supply of food because you could go fishing whenever you wanted to.

From the 1830 map I would choose point A. This is the best selection for a settlement because of the great recourses around it. There is freshwater swamps which you could use to fish and you could use to for drinking water. Also this place has a waterfall which is a very good food supply, and there is a river near it which can be used for even more food so you know if you settle here you will be good on water and food for awhile.

From the map in 1880 I would chose point C. I picked this point as the best settle point because of the recourses it has around it has many more than the other points around it. The pro's are that is it locked right on a coal mine that can be traded for many valuable items, also since it is around the other settlement points they can easily trade with the people around them, and last there is good farmland right near them that they can use to grow whatever they want like food and goods to trade.


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