
Showing posts from September, 2019

Blog Post #8

                                                                         1. Washington.  2. Oregon.  3. California.  4. Arizona   5. Nevada.  6. Utah.  7. Idaho.  8. Montana  9. Wyoming. 10. Colorado. 11. New Mexico 12. Texas. 13. Oklahoma. 14. Kansas. 15. Nebraska. 16. South Dakota 17. North Dakota. 18. Minnesota 19. Iowa 20. Missouri 21. Arkansas 22. Louisiana 23. Wisconsin 24.  Michigan 25. Illinois 26. Indiana 27. Ohio 28. Kentucky 29. Tennessee 30. Mississippi. 31. Alabama. 32. Georgia. 33. Florida. 34. South Carolina. 35. North Carolina. 36. Virginia 37. West Virginia 38. Pennsylvania 39. New York 40. Vermont 41. New Hampshire 42. Maine 43. Massachusetts 44. Rhode Island 45. Connecticut 46. New Jersey 47. Delaware 48. Maryland 49. Alaska 50. Hawaii

Blog Post #7

Topic- Telling Time & Time Zones Today in class we went over what he different time zones fo the world are. A time zone is a region of the Earth that is a different time from somewhere else on the Earth due to the rotation of the Earth and what parts the sun is shining on at different moments. We also learned about daylights saving time, this is when everyone sets their clock back one hour back when cold weather approaches, this give you one more extra hour of sleep. UTC stands for coordinated universal time, and GMT is the Greenwich Mean Time Zone. Standard deviation is a number used to tell how the measurements for a group are spread out from one another. Geographers calculate standard deviation by by finding the average of the numbers, then for each number subtract the means and then square the result.

Blog Post #6

Topic- The geographic grid There is many different ways geographers describe where things are. Some of the ways they do this is by using latitude and longitude to pinpoint an exact location. They also can just describe where things are by using things that are near to help describe where this place is and what is like. Another way is using a mental map to help find something. They do this off their memory and this can help someone get around a house or even a town, helps someone see where something is a and get them from point a to point to b. The geographers also use something that is called a geographic grid. This is used to show an objects exact location. It is like the lines that you use for longitude and latitude that breaks up the map and helps you find different things. Latitude and longitude are the lines that you use to show an exact location also. These really pinpoint the location and these often come in degrees and play a big role in describing where things are. The mer

Blog Post #5

Topic: Interpreting Maps KQ2: How do geographers describe where things are? My definition of a map scale is how much something is being portrayed on a map. In other words how much the map is getting zoomed in. This changes the different way a map is scaled because if it's a bigger area getting scaled it is probably getting scaled in miles, but the it gets more zoomed in on a more condense place it is probably going to be measured in feet. The definition I got from projection was how much of the map is being showed at one time. Like if there is it showing the whole world, or maybe it's just showing a town. Latitude and longitude is a tool that some maps have that is used to find or pin point the exact location of a place you are looking for, usually regular people don't use latitude and longitude to find something, usually geographers that use it. The role of scale in map setting is usually to find the distance between one point and another on a map. The role of proje

Blog Post #4

Today in class we went over the different countries and territores of North and South America.

Blog post #3

Today in class we learned what a mental map was. This was cool because we got to do draw something off memory even though we haven't experienced some of it for that long. Also, it doesn't have to be perfect and I'm not that good at drawing so this was good for, I didn't feel like I had to draw perfect the I know I can't. But the three types of mental maps we did were a world map, a school map, and a map of our daily . This was a very fun day. They are used in human geography because geographers can use these as predictions, and when they want to draw something quick.

Blog Post #2

KQ #2 - How do geographers describe where things are? Geographers use many different ways to describe where things are. They use maps of the Earth to help the pinpoint different locations they need to find. If they want an exact location they will use the absolute location. This is where they use latitude and longitude coordinates to find exactly where something is on the Earth. There is another way to describe where something is, not being so exact. This is called relative location, this is where you describe something compared to other things around it or where it is at. For example, using relative location if someone asked where John Carrol was I could say it is in the town of Bel Air. Or, I could say it is right here Bel Air High School. These are the different types of ways geographers describe where things are.
KW1: What is human geography? I believe human geography is the study of people and their communities , culture's, and the interactions with the environment by studying their relations across space and place. Human geography can be studied in many different ways like through maps, these different type of maps are called political maps, physical maps, and also thematic maps. The geologist study what type of land they are living in and how it affects you and your community. It also study's the population of the Earth how it is now, how it will it is predicted to be in the future, and what it was like it in the past and how it has changed. Define Geography- I believe geography is the study of the lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena. Define Physical Geography- Study if the process and patterns in the environment like the atmosphere, biosphere, and stuff like the forest. The different types os maps that geographers use are physical maps, these are used to show the phys