
Showing posts from May, 2020


- Octavian took over at the age of 18 -He  forced  Lepidus to retire, and then him and mark became rivals shortly after - Octavian defeated Mark which left  him in his own - This is where we got the word emperor and he was greatly looked upon from his people - He made Rome a empire - Ruled 40 years - Some of his accomplishments were expanding Rome, set up a civil service to run government, built roads, created a postal service, building astonishing public places, police and fire department were created - After this the power was handed down to the many other emperors - The next big one was Claudias, he was given power because he was the last adult male in the family - He was poisoned by his wife because she wanted her son Nero to have the power - He did many bad things such as overspending on a lot of things and even raided some temples for  money  .


I will be taking my test June 2nd at 9:00 AM. Julias Caesar was a great and powerful leader who did many great things for the people that were under his rule. After he concurred Gaul he was named governor Pompey saw him as a big threat. After he clashed with them in many different areas he was named the dictator. Unlike other Dictatorships he cared for the other people and wanted good for everyone. Some of the things he did for his people were  g ranting citizenship to people in provinces, e xpanding the Senate and adding his friend, Creating jobs for the poor, especially through public work projects, Increasing pay for soldiers, and he Started colonies where those without land could own property. After this the Senators saw him as a big threat  and believed he was growing too much power for their liking. Because of this they lured him in to the Senate and ended up stabbing him 23 times. .


-The brothers were people who represented the plebs, or commoners, in the Roman government AKA the working class of Rome and the people who did all of the work -Julius Caesar was a Roman statesman and general - He played a really big role in the destruction of the Roman Republic and the start of the Roman Empire -He was also a great author and he was a historian to -Octavian was the first leader of the Roman Empire who lead always until his death. -The first Roman triumvirate was an informal arrangement between Julius Caesar, Marcus , and Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus


The  Punic Wars were  a series of three  wars fought  between Rome and Carthage. The main cause of the  Punic Wars  was the conflicts of interest between the existing Carthaginian Empire and the expanding Roman Republic. At this time, these were some of the largest wars we have seen. The first war was fought in the city of  Messina, Sicily. The second war was ended in Ilipa but there was many different fighting locations throughout this war but this is where it ended when Rome won. The third fight was fought at Carthage when Rome beat them and tore down their whole city.


It was horrible to live under that in slides 9-12 because the leader named Tarquin was very harsh and he did not really care about his people at all. One of the very harsh things that he did while he was a leader was that he blackmailed a lady into killing herself and to make it worse he even tried to cover it up so it seemed like he was not involved. But the family of this lady overcame him and he got expelled from Rome. For the second part we had to describe why are government is like Romes government. We compare to them because we use the same system of government and we based ours off what they had, and the three branched of government that they had is like the same 3 branches of government that we have.


-The Etruscans came from the north-central part of the peninsula -They were metal workers, artists, and architects -The Greeks also settled in Rome -They had many colonies around the Mediterranean Sea -Romans borrowed ideas from them such as religious beliefs, the alphabet, much of their art, and military techniques and weaponry -the Latins were the first people to ever settle in Rome - Many streams flowed into the Tiber - Marshy area between Palatine and Capitoline Hills called Forum - Lucius Tarquinias Superbus, the 7th and final king of Rome - Known as Tarquin the Proud - He was a true tyrant, in both the old and new term


In all honesty this may be the best song I've ever heard lol. I actually enjoined it because it was funny and if you looked at the lyrics they can actually help you learn some of the things from Rome. This was very different from any other class and this is what made it really cool. One of the reasons I really enjoy your class is because it is laid back and I also love history and I like the way you teach. Like when you let some. of the students go to the board and teach no other teacher has done that which I find very cool. And the song just made it even better because it was something that amused me and I'm sure all the other kids during this time we're stuck inside.


The Twelve Tables were a set of laws inscribed on 12 bronze  tablets created in ancient Rome  in 451 and 450 BCE. They were the beginning of a new approach to laws where they would be passed by government and written down so that all citizens might be treated equally. If you were to commit arson there was a chance that you would be  sentenced to death, and in this case it would be to burning. Or if you used magic on some crops this was also punishable by death but in this case it would be to crucifixion. Some of the not as harsh crimes were punishable by loss of citizenship, or even getting banned from Rome. The Twelve Tables cut down on a lot of the crime being committed because of the harsh punishments there were for everything.


This was the Colosseum. It was built out of volcanic rock, limestone and concrete. This was one of the most advanced creations at the time and it could hold up to 80,000 people. This building was mostly used for entertainment back then and it averaged out at about 65,000 people per show. Some of things they performed in here are   gladiatorial contests, mock sea   battles , animal hunts , executions, re-enactments of famous battles, and dramas. Even though the Colosseum was almost  ruined by earthquakes and stone robbers it was still an important part to Romes past.